Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital, Ontario, Canada
Safe water supply for the most delicate of users
Planned for completion in 2020, Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital is the first hospital to be built in the city of Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. The $1.6 billion project is designed to feature fully integrated "smart" technology systems and medical devices that can speak directly to one another, maximising information exchange and helping provide state-of-the-art healthcare for patients and their families.
The project

Spanning across 1.2 million square feet, the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital is expected to house more than 600 washrooms, both public and inside patient rooms, with 300 of these being modular. Built off-site by PCL Construction, each modular washroom takes approximately 12 days to complete and equip with flooring and finishes. When brought on site, the units are then crane-lifted and installed onto the appropriate floors, where they are further connected to water and electrical lines. These washrooms will be an integral part of the facilities available to patients in the hospital’s medical and surgical program, mental health units, labour and delivery areas, as well as post-partum.
RWC’s involvement

To meet their flexible installation requirements and to ensure water supply at a safe temperature at point-of-use, PCL Construction needed a reliable supplier that can offer high quality thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) and this is where RWC’s CashAcme TMVs proved to be the best fit. Modern Niagara, the mechanical contractor responsible for the plumbing operations, worked in conjunction with RWC’s team including engineers to develop a custom solution that met the unique design requirements and provided accurate water temperature control at sinks in patient rooms.
Commonly referred to as Water Temperature Limiting Devices, CashAcme’s TMVs accurately control the temperature of hot water at the point-of-use to ensure water is delivered at safe, controlled temperatures. Such water supply feature is essential in any case, but even more so when the users are vulnerable patients at a medical facility. Furthermore, the engineered solutions provided by CashAcme make their TMVs the perfect solution when modular construction is involved in the build.
Project at a glance

Development: Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital, Ontario, Canada
General contractor: PCL Construction, Canada
Client: Modern Niagara Inc.
Specified solution: 1,000+ Reliance Heatguard Mixing Valves (HG145)